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Showing posts from August, 2017

College Preparation in the Pre-Secondary Grades

A nationally certified superintendent and former principal, Dr. Philip Hickman has provided leadership in under-resourced communities for more than a decade. Dr. Philip Hickman serves as superintendent of the Columbus Municipal School District and is a prominent author and speaker on topics related to educational access.  Even in low-income communities, children do not lack for ambition. Students in the elementary grades often express desires for professional careers, such as those of doctors or teachers. By middle school, 93 percent of students identify college as a goal, yet only 44 percent of students actually make it there. A current trend in education is seeking to address this disconnect by exploring students' ambitions and helping them to understand what they will need to do to reach their goals. It is not a movement that seeks to assign children to a particular career path early in life, but rather one that opens up possibilities and helps to create direction in students...

Getting Smart Podcasts from Soundcloud

Currently serving as the superintendent of the Columbus Municipal School District in Columbus, Mississippi, Dr. Philip Hickman manages all areas of the school district and oversees the educational standards of the schools. Dr. Philip Hickman has also been a guest speaker on the Soundcloud Getting Smart Podcast , which introduces educational innovations that help students learn on a more personalized level. Soundcloud is a publishing platform that provides music along with lessons, interviews, and instructional materials. The Getting Smart Podcasts from Soundcloud are available for listeners to learn about developments in education for grades K thru 12, and covers subjects that help students learn entrepreneurship and research skills. The podcasts are based on the most innovative strategies being used today in the educational field. The Soundcloud podcasts are available for download from the App Store and from Google Play, providing listeners with the opportunity to hear podcasts tha...